Categoría: Ética

Ethics and trust in a digital age

Strong ethical principles and behaviour will become more important in the evolving digital age, and a key enabler to building trust. Ethical behaviour is a core attribute for professional accountants. Our global survey examines the attitudes to ethics among 10,000 professional and trainee accountants, and over 500 senior (‘C-suite’) managers. More than 8 in 10…
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Ethical challenges facing accounting firms hiring non-CPAs

A decision to supplement your accounting firm with non-certified accountants typically results from the combined effects of a small labor pool and increasing opportunities for growing your business. While adding non-CPAs keeps payroll expenses low and allows you to service more clients, its downside is increasing ethical challenges. Knowledge and training State licensing requirements underscore…
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Want higher revenue growth? Get a compliance ethics program

What does it take to grow a business? An honest business requires a sound business model, hard-working employees, long hours, and a «can-do» attitude, right? Of course, there are companies that take a different route and uses incentives to bribe those in power, hoping it will fast track their success and provide new growth that…
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Do corporate values make a difference?

They’re everywhere, and they can help—but it’s not automatic. Here’s how to ensure your mission and values statements make a real impact. These days, corporate values statements are all over the place. Most large companies now post them online—and everywhere else from wall signage to wallet cards. Many include them as components of corporate training,…
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Ethics across the generations

We hear a lot about different generations in the workplace – Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials. But what does business ethics mean to them, and how do you engage them with ethical issues in the workplace? Understanding the different characteristics of the generations is fundamental in building a business culture founded on ethical values.…
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Creating value through governance: channelling corporate culture and ethics in boards

We have reached the limit of what we can deliver through regulation – we need to restore trust in business and to create value by giving more emphasis to corporate culture – Corporate culture is indeed rising up the agenda but we need the right tools to better understand it, and embed it at each…
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Ethics a professional imperative

Investors and other stakeholders expect that accountancy services, including auditing or assurance, can be relied on when taking important decisions, David Stevens, Integrity and Law Manager for the Institute of Charted Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW). How do you evaluate the role of accountancy and related professions in safeguarding ethical business practices? As professionals…
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Strong ethics are more than their own reward

Australian businesses need a focus on ethical leadership, with rewards that counterbalance those for high financial performance. Leaders of every organisation, whether it is corporate, not for profit, government or academic, ignore the health of its ethical culture at their peril. In this world of instantaneous communication, a single lapse of judgment is rapidly posted to customers,…
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The only way is ethics for modern businesses

Firms face new human rights duties, write Paul Marshall and Niall McLean Behaving ethically, and being seen to be behave ethically, is an increasingly important aspect of doing business. In a climate in which businesses are subjected to unprecedented scrutiny and growing regulation, we can only expect that the ethical treatment of customers, local communities…
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