New IAESB Guidance Promotes Awareness and Proper Application of International Accounting Education Entry Requirements
The International Accounting Education Standards Board™ (IAESB™) today released new materials in support of its recently revised International Education Standard™ (IES™) 1, Entry Requirements to Professional Accounting Education Programs (2014). In addition to an overview document, the following support materials are now available:
- A guidance paper addressing what needs to be considered in setting educational entry requirements to professional accounting education programs, and what information can assist individuals considering a career as a professional accountant.
- Frequently Asked Questions explaining terminology and concepts contained in IES 1.
- An illustrative example of factors that an organization may consider when setting educational entry requirements to professional accounting education programs.
- Perspectives on IES 1 describing the range of factors that could influence an individual’s successful completion of a professional accounting education program.
These materials are intended to help professional accountancy organizations and other accounting education providers, including universities, governments, and international donor agencies, understand and implement IES 1. This, in turn, supports improved accountancy education in the public interest.
“IES 1 sets out an inclusive approach to the accounting profession, such that entry requirements target admittance to those with a reasonable chance of successfully completing the professional accounting education program,” said Chris Austin, Chair of the IAESB. “Organizations, therefore, need to consider thoughtfully what factors contribute to successful completion, such as individual and environmental factors, in order to attract and retain individuals of the highest caliber and potential.”
Setting appropriate entry requirements benefits IFAC member organizations by helping them efficiently allocate resources. It also benefits those considering an accountancy career, by helping them make informed decisions.
The suite of eight IESs facilitates credible, high-quality professional accounting and auditing services around the world. They cover both initial and continuing professional development and focus on a learning outcomes approach to develop professional competence. The IESs also support professional accountants’ mobility and serve as a global benchmark for accountancy education and the profession.
Source: IFAC